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What I Believe

What I Believe
Linda Zuniga

Here is my motto:
If a child does not learn the way you teach,
Teach the way the child learns.

I have learned and developed my beliefs throughout thirty-six years of teaching young children.  Now at this point in my career as an educator I would like to share my "Wonderful World" with all who desire to create the best learning environment for their students.

I believe that if I teach so that every child has the right work at the right time they will make continuous progress.

I believe if children work at the level that’s best for them, they show it through their concentration and involvement.

I believe in making my classroom a place where all children achieve.   

I believe in finding a way to give every student learning activities that are at the child's developmental level.

I believe that using successful teaching strategies is the key to developing a classroom where children love to be because they are successful, confident and happy.


  1. You know, that is a very strong and truthful endeavor you have undertaken. I applaud you and your staff. I have 3 grown children and 4 grandchildren and 2 great grand children. I have had a chance to be in their lives for a time. Reading and teaching is great if given to the child in a significant way for grasping of the knowledge being conveyed to them. You keep up the good that you and your staff is doing. My love is in helping people to love the life they are living and not be disillusioned or afraid to love themselves or their loved ones. I don't have enough room to really expound on my thoughts but suffice it to say that I care about life and what it means to care for the environment that helps that life to grow. I get emotional when I hear or see a child or an adult in a depressive mood or situation. Keep the lines open for communication Linda, I hope to communicate with you more and soon.

  2. Thank you Viola for your comments. You might want to visit my youtube channel called Parents as Partners. I have made a variety of videos for children to help them learn. I hope to make more but life gets busy especially with grandchildren. I have 6 beautiful granddaughters.


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